A flying start
The draft of the Zorg met Vlijt was built in 1907, and she was one of the first steel boats made by the brothers Roorda in Drachten. These brothers gained their fame with their design of the fast Pijpster skûtsjes (12 to 20 meters) and only built a few longer boats. One of these is the 24 meters long tjalk that they named the Zorg met Vlijt.
Roorda's characteristic contour can be seen in the Zorg met Vlijt: a strong and beautifully curved sternpost, a wide bottom within a sleek silhouette, and a never ending deck line. The 100-year-old blueprints have been stored in the collection of the Frisian maritime museum in Sneek.

Cargo loaded
The Zorg met Vlijt has been built to navigate the numerous waters of the Netherlands; from the shallow, narrow inland waterways to the boisterous Zuiderzee.
After decades of working as a cargo ship throughout the Netherlands, the Zorg met Vlijt was modified into a houseboat, threatening her sails and seaworthiness. But then Cas Korver crossed her path in 1973.
A new beginning
It is impossible to raise the sails of the Zorg without thinking fondly of her enthusiastic skipper, Cas Korver. It was his vision and craftsmanship that saved the ship's future when it was jeopardized fifty years ago.
Cas started the restoration of the Zorg met Vlijt in 1973. His love for nostalgia and tradition made it possible to convert the boat into a charter with 16 sleeping places, but without losing its authenticity. His unbridled love for sailing made him a well-loved figure on the Ijsselmeer and the Wadden.
A new course
In the years that followed, the boat was updated to comply with the latest safety standards. In 2019, for instance, the height of the rails was increased. The wooden mast has been replaced with a higher mast made of steel. The once straight gaff was rounded, making the Zorg faster than ever before.
New owners Cora Bossers and William van Venrooij are closely related to both late skipper Cas Korver and the Zorg met Vlijt. Cora first stepped aboard as a young girl and has sailed many contests on it. William started joining her in 2006, causing their history and future to become intertwined with that of the ship.
Both Cora and William are dedicated entrepreneurs as well as avid sailers, trying to ensure an enjoyable and authentic sailing experience. A new dawn is rising for the Zorg met Vlijt - step aboard to enjoy it with us!